I specialize in Weddings, children, fashion photography. I'm based out of Riverside and have been in the business of modeling for 16 years. I took photography in college at Golden West in Westminister CA but have changed to digital this past year and have found a love for photoshop. My dad is a part time photographer and I enjoyed what he did and wanted to take photography to a new level. I have many ideas and don't have just one style of photography. I have a big wardrobe of many different size and styles of outfits, dresses and if needed I also do makeup for an extra fee.

I am slowly in the process of making a studio. If you are would like to have me as your photographer please contacted me at eleanafriend@yahoo.com.

..:Anyone can take a photo but having a passion for photography is what makes me a great photographer!:.

You may also view more of my work at myspace.com/eleanafriendphotography  



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